Carl is a forty year old financial consultant who has been running his whole life. In high school he ran the mile, 440, and 880 during the indoor and outdoor track seasons. He also ran on the cross-country team. He went to Syracuse University on a partial track scholarship. Flash forward; married with three young girls, he remembers the day pain took his life away. Walking down a hill after a long hike with one of his daughters in a backpack on his shoulders, he felt a searing pain in his hip. He also felt pain in his foot.
That was six years ago, and after numerous therapies, he still had the pain and he had gained 20 lbs because he could no longer exercise. He had been prescribed anti inflammatories, muscle relaxants, and pain killers. He had been to physical therapy, seen massage therapists and chiropractors to no avail. Carl resided himself to a lifetime of pain and was therefore skeptical when I told him that I could cure him of his hip pain, sciatic neural pain running down his leg, and his planters fasciitis. Carl could not believe that the excruciating pain he was living with on a daily basis was simply the accumulative effect of repetitive exercise, his history of running without anything to counter balance its effects.
One of the many postures I used to treat his sciatica was an extremely gentle version of gamukasana or what I call bull's seat prep #1(Pictured is my wife demonstrating the pose). As I stated before, this is one posture of a program of numerous yoga poses I tailored especially for Carl and his several problems. While he experienced some relief from this one posture, a full program after proper diagnosis is needed to obtain full relief and maintain a pain free life.
Like most of my clients, Carl saw the instant results of my system after our first full session and he was pain free after 4 sessions. He immediately took up his life long passion for running but now does my program to prevent the harmful effects of running. He remains pain free.
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